As its creators inform on their Kickstarter page, a user can build their own smartphone with MAKERphone kit in just 7 hours, but it will be necessary to have skill with the soldering iron and the cable connections. In fact, this product is not a toy so it is recommended for people over 11 years. Its authors, who already sold 6,000 kits of a portable console, MAKERbuino, have wanted to take advantage of their experience and learning to introduce improvements in the mobile phone, such as a better architecture of the motherboard, a DAC that allows to use a multimedia player, a color screen or improved microcontrollers, among other features.

Build a fully functional smartphone

MAKERphone is a DIY educational mobile phone designed to bring electronics and programming to the public in a fun and interesting way. It is a kit to build a fully functional device, with which you can make and receive calls. In addition, you can also play games like Snake or Pong as well. The device also serves to learn the Python and Scratch language, a programming language for children. Based on Arduino, it is possible to connect all kinds of sensors and use hundreds of applications already created. The idea of its creators is to turn the consumers themselves into creators and ensure that it is an educational device covered in the shape of a mobile phone.

To assemble it you need a series of tools

MAKERphone has launched a campaign on Kickstarter in which its creators seek funding, and in just a few days have managed to multiply by five the amount of money they needed to make the project. The device is for sale on that same page for $89 and units will begin shipping on March 2, 2019. However, to assemble it is necessary to have a series of tools, such as pliers or a soldering iron. In any case, there are also packs that include these tools for those who do not have them in their possession. Likewise, you can also buy MAKERphone assembled for 99 dollars only. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.

Build Your Own Smartphone With This Kit - 69